Hi MIDI Mixer people!
I installed the software yesterday and got it to work with a Novation Nocturn MIDI controller I had lying around. It worked like a charm with my volume controls for Chrome, Spotify and MediaMonkey music player.
Today, I booted up everything, and while the Nocturn's MIDI signals still get received by its own Automap (when I turn the knobs, I see the values change), MIDI Mixer stopped reacting.
I tried to "re-learn" the controls, and even removed and re-entered the profile/groups/controls again, but now MIDI Mixer doesn't seem to receive the MIDI inputs. Nothing has changed since last night, so what caused this? I'm baffled.
The Nocturn shows as "Automap MIDI" within "MIDI Mixer".
I was about to sign high praises for this software today, but now I'm not quite sure how stable this is.
Can anyone provide suggestions what to do? Thanks in advance! 🙂