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  • Full size Behringer X-Touch Profile/Support

Hello! Pretty excited to stumble across this application. I am currently in possession of a Behringer X-Touch, the full size version (not the extender.) Has anyone generated a profile for this model or would someone be willing to? I've tried to add in the 9th fader that is present on the full size X-Touch model and cannot seem to get it to work. Also, loving the Voicemeeter plugin as Potato is already part of my setup and will remain required unless MIDI Mixer can ever tap into device ASIO drivers. This is because Windows 10 sees the 4-inputs on my PreSonus Studio 68c interface as stereo pairs only, (1/2 and 3/4) making a total of only (2) inputs, where as Voicemeeter Potato can tap into the ASIO drivers for the PreSonus and now I have all (4) inputs on my interface as separate, mixable channels.


Alright, forget the full-size X-Touch request, it's going back to Amazon and being replaced by the Extender, 8-fader model. I wanted something smaller anyway.

The only request I have now is the possibility of utilizing the scribble strips on the X-Touch? Otherwise this looks to be the exact solution I've been looking for forever... Thanks!

    sapphiresky83 Scribble strips is a feature request that's been asked for a while back. There's not really any universal way most devices handle them though. One idea was that they could be implemented via plugins written specifically for a device.

      Jaggernaut Gotcha, makes sense.
      In my case this would likely need to be worked out between Voicemeeter and the plugin for MIDI-Mixer then.

      2 years later

      If anybody needs it, I have created a profile for the X-Touch with I think all buttons and faders, the wheel etc.

      2 months later

      Here .. i want to try it. How can i get it?


      Just open that link

      10 months later

      Hi there! It sounds like you’ve got a solid setup with the Behringer X-Touch and Voicemeeter Potato. While I can't directly help with generating a profile for the X-Touch or resolving the 9th fader issue, I can recommend checking out the forums or communities that focus on MIDI controller setups—there’s often someone who has tackled similar challenges.

      Additionally, if you're looking to maximize your performance and stamina for long hours of production or creative work, I’d suggest checking out https://worldhgh.best/. They provide high-quality HGH and peptides that can help with energy, focus, and recovery—ideal for those late-night sessions in the studio. Their site is packed with resources and authentic products, ensuring you can stay at your best, both creatively and physically.

      Good luck with your setup, and feel free to share any insights if you get that 9th fader working!

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